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Orientation Programme for new session 2024-25

Posted on 08/08/2024

An Orientation Programme for the session 2024-25 for new students taking admission in first year of B.A / B.Sc (Physical Science) / B.Com was held in College Campus on 23rd July 2024. The Students were given all the informatin regarding NEP 2020 by Sh. Rajesh Bansal, NEP Coordinator, GCW Bawal. The students were told about time table , N.S.S. , Women Cell, SC/BC/ Scholarship, EARN WHILE YOU LEARN , Library , Red- Cross, Sports and other Committees working in the College. They were also informed about the various guiedlines and rules and regulations that they have to follow in the college campus. The Principal Dr. Mamta Gupta and all the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff were present in the programme.