Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Teacher: Smt. Rekha Devi                                                                 

Subject- Micro Economics                                                                               B.A 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Market Structures, Perfect Competition: Characteristics and assumptions, Price determination

under perfect competition, Equilibrium of the firm and industry in the short period and the long


Monopoly: Characteristics, Equilibrium of the monopoly firm in short period and long period,

Concept of supply-curve under monopoly, Price discrimination, Measure of monopoly power.


2nd unit

Imperfect Market: Monopolistic competition, characteristics, short period and long period

equilibrium of the firm, Group-equilibrium, selling costs, product differentiation, excess capacity.

Oligopoly: Characteristics, emergence of oligopoly, cournot’s model, Bertrand’s model, Price

rigidity, Price leadership, Collusive and non-collusive oligopoly.


3rd unit

Theory of factor pricing: Marginal productivity theory of distribution, Backward bending supply

curve of labour, Ricardian and modern theory of rent, quasi-rent, net and gross interest, theories

of interest, net and gross profit, theories of profit.


4th unit

Theory of factor pricing: Marginal productivity theory of distribution, Backward bending supply

curve of labour, Ricardian and modern theory of rent, quasi-rent, net and gross interest, theories

of interest, net and gross profit, theories of profit.
















Subject- Macro Economics                                                                              B.A 4th  Sem





Time period

1st Unit

Concept of Money in a modern Economy; Monetary Aggregates ; Demand for Money ; Quantity theory of  Money ; Liquidity preference and rate of interest ; Money supply and credit creation and monetary Policy.


2nd unit

Derivation of IS and LM Function ; IS-LM and Aggregate Demand ; Shift is AD Curve. Theories of Trade Cycles: Samuelson and Hicks Models, Harrod and Domar Growth Model.


3rd unit

Gains from international trade; Balance of Payment ; Market for Foreign Exchange; Determination of Exchange Rates.


4th unit

Nature and Scope of Public Finance, Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Effects of Public Expenditure , Impact and Incidence of Taxes , Characteristics of Good Taxation System.




Subject- International Economics                                                                   B.A  6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Inter-regional and International Trade; Comparative Cost Theory; Hecksher-Ohlin Theory; Rate

of Exchange Determination; Mint Par Theory and Purchasing Power Parity Theory


2nd unit

Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate; Exchange Rate Policy in India.Free Trade Vs Protection;

Terms of Trade, Exchange Control.


3rd unit

Change in Value, Volume, Composition and direction of Foreign Trade in India since 1991;

Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments Structure, causes of adverse Balance of Payment in

India and measure to correct it. Foreign Trade Multiplier.


4th unit

Objectives, Functions and advantages for India of International Monetary Fund; World Bank;

World Trade Organisation andSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

PreferentialTrading Arrangement (SAPTA).







Subject- Business Economics                                                                             B.Com 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Perfect Competition: Profit Maximization and equilibrium of firm and industry; Short

run and Long run Supply Curves; Price and output determination, Practical Applications.

Monopoly: Determination of price under Monopoly; Equilibrium of a firm; comparison

between Monopoly and Perfect Competition; Price Discrimination; Multi-Plant Monopoly,

Practical Applications.


2nd unit

Monopolistic Competition: Meaning and Characteristics; price and output determination under

monopolistic Competition; Product differentiation; Selling cost; comparison with Perfect

Competition; Excess capacity under Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly : features, price

rigidity model, duopoly model, price leadership.


3rd unit

Marginal Productivity Theory and demand for factors; nature of supply of factor inputs,

Determination of wage rates under perfect competition and monopoly. Exploitation of

labour; Rent- Concept, Recardian concept and Modern Theories of rent; Quasi Rent.


4th unit

Interest- concept and Theories of interest; Profit- nature, concept and theories of profit,

break-even point analysis.




















Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for Political Science

Teacher: Smt. Poonam Devi                                                              

Subject- Indian Politics                                                                                    B.A 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Federalism and its Working with reference to Centre-State Relations, Demand for State Autonomy; Emerging Trends in Indian Federalism.


2nd unit

Election Commission, Electoral Process and its Defects and Voting Behaviour, Electoral Reforms, Problem of Defection.


3rd unit

Party System in India: National and Regional Political Parties


4th unit

Role of Caste, Religion, Language, Regionalism in India, Politics of Reservation





Subject- Indian Political Thinker Opt-2                                                                       B.A 4th  Sem





Time period

1st Unit

Mahatma Gandhi and M.N, Roy


2nd unit

Jawaharlal Nehru and B.R. Ambedkar


3rd unit

Subhash Chander Bose and Bhagat Singh


4th unit

J.P. Narayan and Ram Manohar Lohia




Subject- Option (i) : Comparative Constitutions of UK & USA                              B.A  6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Evolution, Conventions, Legacies and Basic features of Constitutions of UK & USA; Socio-Economic basis of Constitutions of UK & USA.


2nd unit

Comparative Study of Executive, Legislature


3rd unit

Comparative study of Judiciary of U.K. & U.S.A. Comparative studies of Structures, Functions and roles of political parties and pressure groups of UK & USA.


4th unit

Electoral Processes, Voting Behaviour, Bureaucracy of UK & USA.



Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Teacher: Sh. Mahesh Kumar                Subject- Financial Accounting 1st Sem                                         Code: 1.01




Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: meaning, objectives, process, Generally accepted Accounting Principles; balance.


2nd unit

Capital and revenue items; Reserves and Provisions; Depreciation: Meaning, causes, accounting procedure, methods of computing depreciation – straight line method and diminishing balance method, change of method.


3rd unit

Final Accounts with adjustments; Rectification of errors


4th unit

Accounting for non-profit organizations; Consignment accounts.







Subject- Business Mathematics

  Code: 1.02                                                             1st Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Indices and Logarithms; Theory of Sets: Meaning, elements, types, presentation and equality of Sets, Union, Intersection, Complement and Difference of Sets, Venn Diagram, Cartesian Product of two Sets, Applications of Set Theory.


2nd unit

Elementary idea of Permutations and Combinations.


3rd unit

Sequence and Series, A.P, G.P.


4th unit

Data interpretation- Introduction, approaches to data interpretation, tabulation, Bar graphs,

Pie charts, Line graphs, Mix graphs





Teacher: Smt. Rekha Devi           Subject- Business Economics-1 1st Sem                                      Code: 1.03




Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: Basic problem of an economy: working of price mechanism, concept of Elasticity of demand; measurement, importance, determinants of elasticity of demand, Average revenue; marginal revenue and elasticity of demand and elasticity of supply


2nd unit

Production Function: Law of variable proportions; Isoquants; Economic regions and optimum factor combination; expansion path; returns to scale; Internal and external economies and diseconomies; Ridge lines; Theory of costs: concepts of cost; Short run and Long run cost curves- Traditional and Modern approaches..


3rd unit

Theory of consumer behavior, utility and indifference curve analysis


4th unit

Market, classification and structure.





Teacher: Mahesh Kumar   Subject-    Business Management 1st Sem                                         Code: 1.04




Time period

1st Unit

Business: concept, nature and spectrum of business activities, business system, business objectives.


2nd unit

Management: Introduction, concept, nature, process and significance; Development of Management Thought; Classical and Neo-Classical systems, Contingency approaches.


3rd unit

Planning: concept, types and process, Decision Making: concept and process, Management by Objectives, Corporate Planning and Strategic Formulation.


4th unit

Organizing: concept, nature, process and significance; Authority and Responsibility relationship; Centralization and Decentralization; Departamentation; Firms of Organizing structure..




Teacher: Mahesh Kumar   Subject- Business Communication 1st Sem                                    Code: 1.05



Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: Basics of communication, Seven C’s of effective communication, barriers to communication, ethical context of communication.


2nd unit

Business Communication at workplace: Letter writing- component, layout and process, E- mail communication, bad news messages, persuasive written communication, memos, notice, agenda and minutes of meeting.


3rd unit

Report Writing: Types of business reports, structure of reports, short reports, long reports, abstracts and summaries, proposals.


4th unit

Communication Skills: Reading skills, listening skills, note making, persuasive speaking. Body language, Gestures.



Teacher:                                          Subject- Basic of Computer 1st Sem                              Code: 1.06




Time period

1st Unit

Introduction to Computers: Definition of Computer; Components of Computer; Characteristics of Computers; History evolution of Computers; Generation of computers; Classification of Computers- According to Purpose, According to Technology , According to Size and Storage Capacity ; Human being VS Computer; Difference between Computer and Calculator..


2nd unit

Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard, Light pen, Track Ball, Joystick, MICR, Optical Mark reader and Optical Character Reader Scanners, Voice system, Web Camera. Output Devices: Hard Copy Output Devices; Line Printers, Character Printers, Chain Printers, Dot-matrix Printers, Daisy Wheel Printer, Laser Printers, Ink Jet Printers; Plotters, Soft Copy device –Monitor, Sound Cards and speakers.


3rd unit

Memory and Mass Storage Devices: Characteristics of Memory Systems; Memory Hierarchy; Types of Primary Memory; RAM and ROM; Secondary and Back-up; Magnetic Disks, Characteristics and classification of Magnetic Disks; Optical Disks; Magnetic Taps.


4th unit

MS- Word: Fundamentals of MS-Word, Features of MS-Word, Menus, Formatting and Standard Toolbars, Ruler, Scroll Bar, Creating, Editing, Saving, export and import files, inserting and copying the files, Working with frames, Paragraph formatting, Columns, Pictures, Tables, Macros and Mail Merge.



Teacher: Sh. Mahesh Kumar                Subject- Financial Accounting 2nd Sem                                        Code: 2.01




Time period

1st Unit

Hire Purchase System and Installment Payment Systems.


2nd unit

Branch Accounts (including foreign branch) and Departmental Accounts.


3rd unit

Amalgamation and sale of partnership firms, Dissolution of Partnership Firm- Insolvency of

Partners (including Garner v/s Murrey Rule), Gradual Realisation and Piecemeal Distribution.


4th unit

Joint-Venture Account; Royalty Account.





Subject- Business Management                             2nd Sem

Code: 2.02



Time period

1st Unit

Staffing: concept, nature and scope, Matching job and people; Recruitment; Selection and

Training of employees.


2nd unit

Motivation and Leadership: Motivation-concept, Theories-Maslow, Herzberg, Megregor and Quchi; Financial and Non-Financial Incentives.

Leadership: concept and Leadership styles, Leadership Theories.


3rd unit

Concept, Process and Techniques, Effective Control System.


4th unit

Management of Change: Concept, Nature and Process of Planned Change: Resistance to

Change; Emerging Horizons of management in a changing environment.








Subject- Business Mathematics                             2nd Sem

Code: 2.03



Time period

1st Unit

Matrices and Determinants: Definition of a Matrix ; Types of Matrices, Algebra of Matrices; Calculation of values of   determinants up to third order; adjoint of a Matrix, elementary row and column operations; Finding inverse matrix through adjoint and elementary row or column operations; Solution of a system of Linear equations having unique Solution and involving not

more than three variables


2nd unit

Differentiation (only algebraic problem) ; Application of differentiation


3rd unit

Compound Interest and Annuities: Certain different types of interest rate; Concept of present value and amount of a sum; Types of annuities; Present value and amount of an annuity, including the case of continuous compounding


4th unit

Ratio, Proportion and Percentage; Profit and Loss




Subject- Business Economics                             2nd Sem

Code: 2.04




Time period

1st Unit

Perfect Competition: Profit Maximization and equilibrium of firm and industry; Short run and Long run Supply Curves; Price and output determination, Practical Applications. Monopoly: Determination of price under Monopoly; Equilibrium of a firm; comparison between Monopoly and Perfect Competition; Price Discrimination; Multi-Plant Monopoly, Practical Applications.


2nd unit

Monopolistic Competition: Meaning and Characteristics; price and output determination under monopolistic Competition; Product differentiation; Selling cost; comparison with Perfect Competition; Excess capacity under Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly : features, price rigidity model, duopoly model, price leadership.


3rd unit

Marginal Productivity Theory and demand for factors; nature of supply of factor inputs, Determination of wage rates under perfect competition and monopoly. Exploitation of labour; Rent- Concept, Recardian concept and Modern Theories of rent; Quasi Rent.


4th unit

Interest- concept and Theories of interest; Profit- nature, concept and theories of profit, break-even point analysis.




Subject- Basics of Computer-II              2nd Sem

Code: 2.05




Time period

1st Unit

Fundamental of computers: Model of a digital computer; Functioning of a digital computer; Types of a digital computer; Advantages of computers. Difference between digital computer

and analog computer, Applications of computers: Computers in Commerce, Marketing, Education and Management.


2nd unit

Software concepts: Types of Software and their role, Different System Software types- Operating systems, Translators, System Utilities; Concept of Application Packages; Types of an  Operating system- Multi-user O.S., Multi-tasking O.S., Multi-Processing O.S; Time – sharing O.S., Multi-Programming O.S. Operating System as a resource Manager, concept of GUI and



3rd unit

Introduction to Windows: Components of a Application Window; Types of Windows, Windows as an Operating System, Windows explorer, Using Paintbrush, Control Panel, Installing a printer. User interfaces- CUI and GUI; Concept of a Desktop and Taskbar, My Computer, Recycle Bin, My Documents and Internet Explorer icons.


4th unit

MS-Excel: Applications of a Spreadsheet; Advantages of an Spreadsheet; Features of Excel; Rows, Columns, Cell, Menus, Creating worksheet, Formatting, Printing, establishing worksheet links, Table creating and printing graphs, Macros, Using Built-in-functions.



Subject- Business Environment                             2nd Sem

Code: 2.06



Time period

1st Unit

Business Environment: concept; components and importance; SWOT Analysis..


2nd unit

Economic Trends (overview): income; savings and investment; industry; Trade and balance of payments.


3rd unit

Problems of Growth: Unemployment, regional imbalances, inflation, parallel economy and industrial sickness.


4th unit

Role of Govt. in Indian Economy: Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Industrial Policy; Privatization.



Subject- Business Statics                           3rd Sem

Code: 3.02



Time period

1st Unit

Introduction of Statistics: Origin, Development, Definition, Scope, Uses and Limitations. Statistical Data: Types of Measurement scales- normal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio level measurement; Collection, Classification and Tabulation of Primary and Secondary data. Presentation of data: Diagrammatic and Graphical presentation of Data-Bar, Squares, rectangular and Circular diagrams; Histogram, frequency polygon, Ogives, Stem and Leaf displays box plots.


2nd unit

Central Tendency and Partition values; Concept and Measures of Central tendency, Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles. Dispersion: Concept and Its absolute as well as relative measures..


3rd unit

Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis: Moments about any point and about mean and the relationship between them. Sheppard’s Corrections for Moments. Concept of symmetrical distribution and skewness, measures and Co- efficient of skewness, Concept of Kurtosis and its measures.


4th unit

Analysis of Bivariate data: Correlation-concept, scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of Correlation and its properties

Spearman’s rank Correlation, Concurrent deviation method

Regression: Meaning and Definition, Difference between Correlation and Regression, Principle of least


squares and fitting of a line of best fit to the given data, Regression lines, Properties of regression Co- efficient and Regression lines, standard error of estimate, Co-efficient of determination.



Subject- Corporate Accounting                           3rd Sem

Code: 3.01



Time period

1st Unit

Share Capital: Meaning, types, Accounting Treatment of issue, forfeiture and reissue of Share; Buy-back of equity shares & Sweat shares; Redemption of preference share; Issue of Bonus Share.


2nd unit

Debenture: Meaning, Types. Issue and Redemption of Debentures.


3rd unit

Valuation of Goodwill: Meaning, objectives, determinates and main methods. Valuation of Shares: Meaning, objectives, determinates and main methods.


4th unit

Profit or loss before and after incorporation. Final accounts of companies.



Subject- Business Regulatory Framework- I     3rd Sem

Code: 3.03



Time period

1st Unit

Indian Contract Act: - Valid contract and its elements; Void and void able agreements; Void and illegal agreements; Offer and acceptance; Contractual capacity of parties; Free consent of parties; Lawful consideration and object; Agreements expressly declared as void.


2nd unit

Contingent Contracts: - Quasi contracts; Discharge of contracts: - methods of discharge of contracts; Consequences of Breach of contracts. Contract of Indemnity and guarantee: - Elements of contract of Indemnity; Rights of Indemnity Holder and indemnifier Guarantee: - features of contract of guarantee; Rights and Liabilities of surely; Discharge of surety; Difference between contract of indemnity and Guarantee.


3rd unit

Contract of Bailment and Pledge: - Meaning; types of bailment, Termination of bailment, Duties and rights of bailor and bailee. Essentials of pledge, who nay pledge, Rights and Duties of Pawnor and Pawnee.


4th unit

Consumer protection Act 1986: - Salient features of consumer Protection Act; Rights of consumers; consumer Protection councils; consumer disputes redressal machinery.


Subject- Corporate Law- I    3rd Sem

Code: 3.04



Time period

1st Unit

Company- Meaning and Characteristics; Features of company; Types of companies, advantages and disadvantages of incorporation; Lifting of corporate veil;


2nd unit

Formation of Company: - Promotion of company; Functions of promoter; importance of promoter; Promoter’s remuneration; legal status of Promoter; Rights of promoters; Duties of promoters;

Liabilities of promoters; Pre- incorporation contracts, Incorporation and commencement of Business. Prospectus: - definition; Public offer, contents; misleading prospectus and its consequences.


3rd unit

Memorandum of Association: - Meaning; importance; clauses of memorandum of association and their Alteration; doctrine of ultra- virus. Articles of Association: - Meaning; contents; alteration of articles of association; constructive notice and doctrine of indoor management.


4th unit

Borrowing Powers; Debentures and Charges.


Subject- Human Resource Management    3rd Sem

Code: 3.05



Time period

1st Unit

An Introduction to Human Resource Management Definition, Importance objectives and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM). Function of Human Resource Management: - Managerial and Operative Functions. Qualification and Qualities of Human Resource manager in our organization. Evolution and Growth of Human Recourse Management (HRM) India.


2nd unit

Recruitment Selection and Training Recruitment: - Meaning, Steps in recruitment policy, sources and modes of recruitment, Factors affecting recruitment. Selection: - Meaning, Essentials of Selection Procedure, Stages in Selection Procedure. Training: - Concept, Need and importance of Training. Methods of Training: - On the job Training + off the job Training, Principles of training, Evaluation

of training Programme in India.


3rd unit

Wage and Wage Incentives Wages: - Meaning, Objective and Theories of wages, Methods of wage Programme: - Time wages and Piece wages methods Concept of wages: - Fair, Minimum and Living wage, Factors determining wage Structure of an organization, essentials of satisfactory wage policy.

Wage Incentives: - Concept, Need and Importance of Incentives. Special Incentives


4th unit

Industrial Relations and Industrial Unrest Industrial Relations: - Concept, Importance and Objectives of industrial relations,

Contents of industrial relations. Participants of Industrial relation and Recruitment of good Industrial relation Programme.

Industrial Unrest: - Meaning, Forms and Causes of industrial disputes, Impact of Industrial unrest on the Economy, preventive and curative methods and Agencies for Reconciliation of Industrial unrest.



Subject- Basics of Retailing    3rd Sem

Code: 3.06



Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: Meaning, nature, scope, importance, growth and present size. Career option in retailing; Technology induction in retailing; Future of retailing in India.


2nd unit

Types of Retailing: Stores classified by owners; Stores classified by merchandising categories; Wheel of retailing; Traditional retail formats vs. modern retail formats in India; Store and non-store based formats; Cash and carry business - Meaning, nature and scope; Retailing models – Franchiser - franchisee, directly owned; Wheel of retailing and retailing life cycle; Co-operation and conflict with other retailers. Training + off the job Training, Principles of training, Evaluation of training Programme in India.


3rd unit

Management of Retailing Operations: Retailing management and "the total performance model; Functions of retail management; Strategic retail management process.


4th unit

Retail planning - importance and process; Developing retailing strategies, objectives, action plans, pricing strategies and location strategies.




























Subject- Corporate Accounting                           4th Sem

Code: 4.01



Time period

1st Unit

Internal Reconstruction; External Reconstruction in the nature of merger and purchase.


2nd unit

Liquidation of a company ; Financial reporting for financial institutions.


3rd unit

Final Accounts of Banking Companies.


4th unit

Accounts of Holding Companies.





Subject- Business Statatics                           4th Sem

Code: 4.02



Time period

1st Unit

Index Numbers:- Meaning, Types and Uses; Methods of Constructing price and Quantity indices

(Simple and Aggregate); Tests of adequacy; Chain-base Index numbers, Base shifting, Splicing and

Deflating; Problems in constructing index numbers; Consumer price index.


2nd unit

Analysis of Time Series: - Causes of Variations in time series data; Components of a time series.

Decomposition- Additive and Multiplicative models; determination of trend. Moving averages

method and method of least squares (Including linear second degree, Parabolic and Exponential

trend); Computation of seasonal indices by simple averages, Ratio to Trend, Ratio to moving average and link relative methods.


3rd unit

Theory of Probability: - Probability as a Concept; Approaches to defining probability, Addition and Multiplication laws of probability; Conditional probability, Baye’s Theorem.


4th unit

Probability Distribution: - Probability distribution as a concept; Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution- Their Properties and Parameters.






Subject- Business Regulatory Framework – II   3rd Sem

Code: 4.03



Time period

1st Unit

Indian Partnership Act – Nature of Partnership firm; test of partnership; Duties and Rights of partners; Relations of partners to third parties; position of minor in partnership; Reconstitution of a partnership firm; Registration of firm. Dissolution of firm: - Modes of dissolution; consequences of dissolution of firm; settlement of accounts after dissolution.


2nd unit

Negotiable Instruments Act: - Negotiable Instrument an introduction Promissory notes; Bills of Exchange; cheques, Parties to negotiable Instruments; Discharge of parties from Liability; Dishonour of

Negotiable Instruments. Instruments; Presentment of Negotiable Instrument; Negotiation.


3rd unit

Sales of Goods Act: - Introduction; Formation of contract of sale of Goods; conditions and warranties; Transfer of property or ownership; Performance of contract- Delivery and Payment; Rights of unpaid seller; suits of Breach of contract.


4th unit

RTI Act : features, rights and importance.



Subject- Corporate Law- II    4th Sem

Code: 4.04



Time period

1st Unit

Depository System –meaning and importance; Shares: -; Types of shares; Allotment of Shares;; Transfer and Transmission of shares; Paperless Trading – Benefits and Procedure; Need for educating investors


2nd unit

Share capital: - Meaning and forms of capital; Alteration of share capital; Reduction of share capital; Further issue of share capital; Rights of pre-emption of shares. Shareholders and Members: -

Difference between Shareholders and members; Modes of acquiring membership; termination of membership; who may be members? Rights and Liabilities of members.


3rd unit

Meeting of Company: - Essentials of valid meeting; meetings of Shareholders: - Annual general meeting; Extra-ordinary general meeting; meetings of board of directors; Proxy; Voting, Notice, Agenda and Minutes of meetings. Directors:


4th unit

Winding Up: - Meaning; Winding up by the Tribunal-Petition for winding up; Voluntary winding up;

Powers and Duties of company Liquidator, consequences of winding up.



Subject- Marketing Management    4th Sem

Code: 4.05



Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: - Nature, Scope, Importance of marketing; Marketing concepts- Traditional and Modern. Market Segmentation: - Concept, Importance and basis of market segmentation.


2nd unit

Consumer Behavior: - Nature, Scope, Importance, Factors affecting buyer behavior. Product Planning and Development: - Importance and scope of product Planning in marketing; Stages of New product development. Product Lifecycle: - Stages of Product life cycle; factors affecting product life cycle.


3rd unit

Branding and Trademark: - Difference between brand and trademark; advantages and criticism of branding; types of branding; Brand Polices and Strategies. Pricing: - Meaning; Importance, Factors affecting pricing, pricing objectives, Types of price policy

and pricing strategies.


4th unit

Advertising: - Concept; Importance and criticism of advertising; Media of advertising; Evaluating advertising effectiveness.

Sales Promotion: - Importance, Methods, Functions and Publicity.



Subject- Banking and Banking Law    4th Sem

Code: 4.06



Time period

1st Unit

Definition of Bank, Commercial Banks-importance, functions and problems of Non-performing Assets, structure of Commercial Banking system in India. Credit Creation: Process of Credit Creation and its Limitations..


2nd unit

Regional Rural Banks, Cooperative Banking in India.

Reserve bank of India: Functions, regulation and control of credit, monetary policy.


3rd unit

Determination and Regulation of Interest Rates in India. Relationship between banker and Customer, Definition of Customer, General Relationship between banker and customer, obligation of banker, Garnishee order, banker’s rights. Special types of Bankers Customers Minor, Married Women, Illiterate persons, Lunatics, Trustees, Executors and Administrators, Customer’s attorney, Joint Account, Joint Hindu family, partnership Firm, Joint stock companies, Clubs, Societies and Charitable Institutions..


4th unit

Negotiable Instruments: Definition of Negotiable instruments, Essential features of Negotiable instruments, holder and Holder

in Due course. Rights and Liabilities of parties for Negotiable instruments:



Subject- Paper: Taxation Law-I               5th Sem

Code 5.01                                         




Time period

1st Unit

Income Tax: An introduction and Important Definitions, Agriculture Income, Residential status and incidence of Tax Liability, Exempted incomes.


2nd unit

Income from Salaries (including retirement benefits); Income from House property.


3rd unit

Profits and Gains from Business or Profession; Depreciation; Capital Gains.


4th unit

Income from other sources, clubbing of incomes & aggregation of incomes, set off and carry forward of losses, Deductions to be made in computing total income.



Subject- Cost Accounting – I

Code: 5.02                                                             5th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Cost Accounting : Meaning, Features, Scope, Techniques, Methods, Objectives, Importance and Limitations. Costing; cost accountancy; cost centres and profit centres, Difference and similarities of

cost accounting system with financial accounting system. Cost: main elements and types.

 Material Control: Meaning and objectives of material control, material purchase procedure, fixation of inventory levels- reorder level, Minimum level, Maximum level, Danger level. EOQ analysis. Methods of Valuing Material Issues. Wastage of material – main types..


2nd unit

Labour Cost Control : Importance, methods of time keeping and Time Booking; Treatment and control of Labour Turnover, Idle Time, Overtime, Systems of Wage Payment-Time Wage System, Piece Wage System. Incentive Wage plans – Individual plans and group plans..


3rd unit

Overheads : Meaning and Types. Collection, Classification; Allocation, Apportionment and Absorption of Overheads – Main methods.


4th unit

Unit and output costing : meaning and objectives; cost sheet – meaning, Performa, types preparation of cost sheet; determination of tender price; production account – types. Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts : Meaning. Objectives and procedure.



Subject- Accounting For Management

Code : 5.03                                                            5th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Management Accounting: Nature and Scope of Management Accounting: Meaning, functions, Scope of Management Accounting, The Management Accountant, The Controller, The Treasurer, Management Accounting Principles, Management Accounting vs Financial Accounting vs. Cost-Accounting, Utility

of management Accounting, Limitations of Management  accounting, Tools of Management Accounting.


2nd unit

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: meaning and types of financial statements, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, Types of financial analysis, steps involved in financial analysis, techniques of financial analysis. Ratio Analysis : meaning of ratios, classification of ratios, profitability ratios, balance sheet ratios and turnover rations, advantages and limitations of ratio analysis.


3rd unit

Cash Flow Statement : Meaning, objectives, limitations and accounting procedure; Financial planning


4th unit

Capital Budgeting : Meaning, nature, need, importance, appraisal methods, capital rationing..



Subject- Financial Market Operations

Code : 5.04                                                            5th Sem



Time period

1st Unit

Money Market: Indian Money Markets Composition Composition and Structure; (a) Acceptance houses (b) Discount houses and (c) Call money market; Recent trends in Indian money market.

Capital Market : Security market- (a) New Issue Market (b) Secondary market; functions and role of stock exchange listing, procedure and legal requirements Public issue pricing and marketing, Stock exchange – National Stock Exchange and over the Counter exchangers.


2nd unit

SEBI – Introduction, Role, Its powers, Objectives, Scope & Functions. Investors Protection:- Grievances concerning stock exchange and dealings and their removal; grievance cell in stock exchange SEBI: Company law Board: Press remedy through


3rd unit

Functionaries on stock exchanges:- Brokers, Sub brokers, Market makers, Jobbers, Portfolio Consultants, Institutional Investors, Depository. Financial Services:- Merchant Banking – Functions and Roles; SEBI guidelines; credit rating – concept, functions, and types.


4th unit

Role, Policy measures relating to Development Financial Institution in India. Products & Services offered by IFCI, IDBI, IIBI, SIDBI, IDFCL, EXIM, NABARD & ICICI. Meaning and benefits of mutual funds, types, SEBI guidelines.



Subject- Entrepreneurship and Small Scale Business

Code : 5.05                                                               5th Sem



Time period

1st Unit

Entrepreneur-Entrepreneurship-Enterprise: Conceptual issues. Entrepreneurship vs. Management. Roles and functions of entrepreneurs in relation to the enterprise and in relation to the economy.


2nd unit

Opportunity scouting and idea generation: role of creativity & innovation and business research. Sources of business ideas. Entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary business  environment, for example opportunities in network-marketing,

franchising, business process outsourcing in the early 21st century. (The students be advised to visit various product/service franchisees, BPO concerns and meet up/down

links in the Network Marketing.)


3rd unit

Managerial roles and functions in a small business. Designing and redesigning business processes, location, layout, operations planning & control. Basic awareness of the issues impinging on quality, productivity and environment. Managing business growth. The pros and cons of alternative growth options: internal expansion,

acquisitions & mergers, integration & diversification. Crises in business growth.


4th unit

Issues in small business marketing. The concept and application of product life cycle (ptc), advertising & publicity, sales & distribution management. The idea of consortium marketing, competitive bidding/tender marketing, negotiation with principal customers.

The contemporary perspectives on Infrastructure Development, Product and Procurement Reservation, Marketing Assistance, Subsidies and other Fiscal & Monetary Incentives.







Subject- Investment Management

Code : 5.06

                                                                   5th Sem



Time period

1st Unit

Investment: Meaning, nature and process. Investment avenues and alternations, concept and Measurement of Investment risk and return; Identification of Investment Opportunities; Speculation,

Gambling and Investment activities.


2nd unit

Efficient Market theory or Hypothesis. Technical Analysis: Dow theory, Charting techniques, volume indicators.


3rd unit

Fundamental Analysis: Company Analysis, Industry Analysis and Economy Analysis, Technical v/s Fundamental analysis.


4th unit

Secondary Market : Stock Exchanges, Online Trading. Trading mechanism in Bombay Stock Exchange. Derivatives: Meaning, uses, Types, Derivatives in Indian capital market.

Option Contracts: Meaning uses, Types (Elementary Introduction).




Subject- Paper: Taxation Law – II

Code: 6.01                                                                6th Sem



Time period

1st Unit

Rebate & Relief of Tax, computation of Total income and Tax liability of individuals. Filling and Filing of return (ITR – I and II)


2nd unit

Assessment of Hindu Undivided Families, Assessment of Firms & Association of Persons.


3rd unit

Income Tax authorities & their powers; procedure for assessment; Deduction of Tax at Source (TDS); advance payment of tax.


4th unit

Recovery & refund of tax; appeals & revision; penalties, offences & prosecutions.



Subject- Cost Accounting -II

Code: 6.02                                                             6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Process Costing : Meaning; Uses; Preparation of process account, Treatment of Normal Wastage, Abnormal Wastage, Abnormal Effectiveness; Treatment of opening and closing stock (Excluding Work in Progress): Joint - Product and By - Product: Main methods of apportionment of Joint cost. Inter process profits.


2nd unit

Contract Costing – meaning, main features, preparation of contract account, Escalation clause; contract near completion; cost plus contract. Job and batch costing.


3rd unit

Budgetary control – meaning of budget and budgetary control, budgetary control as a management tool, limitations of budgetary control, forecasts and budgets, installation of budgetary control system, classification of budgets, fixed and flexible budgeting, performance budgeting, zero based budgeting and responsibility accounting.

Standard Costing : meaning, limitations, standard costs and  Budgeted costs, determination of standard cost, cost variances, direct material and direct labour only.


4th unit

Marginal Costing and Profit planning: Marginal costing, Absorption costing, Marginal cost, Cost volume Profit analysis, BEP Analysis, Key factor, BE chart, angle of incidence, concept of decision- making and steps involved, determination of sales mix, make or buy Decisions.




Subject- Financial Management

Code: 6.03                                                              6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Nature of Financial Management : Scope of Finance, Finance functions, Financial Manager’s role, Financial goal; Profit maximization Vs Wealth maximization, Objective of financial Management, Finance and related disciples, Financial planning



2nd unit

Unit – II

Working Capital Management : Meaning, nature and planning of Working Capital. Permanent and variable Working Capital. Balanced working position, determinates of working Capital, Issues of working Capital Management. Management of cash and Marketable Securities and Receivables Management.


3rd unit

Cost of capital : Significance and determination, capitalisation; leverage analysis: operating, financial and composite leverage: EBIT-EPS Analysis.


4th unit

Capital structure theory and policy: Relevance of capital structure; Net income and traditional views, Irrelevance of capital structure; NOI Approach and the MM Hypothesis without taxes, capital structure planning and policy. Dividend Theory and Policy : Issues in dividend policy, Walter’s and Golden’s model of dividend

relevance objections of dividend policy, considerations in dividend policy, stability of dividends, forms of dividend.


Subject- Auditing

Code: 6.04                                                            6th Sem



Time period

1st Unit

Auditing : Meaning, objectives, importance and types of Auditing.

Audit Process: internal control, internal check & internal audit, audit programmer.


2nd unit

Audit Procedure : Routine checking, vouching, verification & valuation of assets & liabilities.


3rd unit

Audit of Public Company : Qualification, Appointment of company Auditors, their powers, duties and liabilities, Audit of depreciation and reserves, Divisible profits & dividends


4th unit

Audit Report and Investigation Audit Report : Meaning, objectives, contents and types. Investigation : Meaning, Nature and objectives.



Subject- Goods and Service Tax                           6th Sem

Code: 6.05



Time period

1st Unit

Introduction: - Salient feature of GST, Benefit of GST, Constitutional Framework of Goods and Services tax, concept of GST; Important definitions; Supply under GST:- Meaning and scope of supply including composite and mixed supply ; levy and collection including reverse charge mechanism, Tax on electronic commerce operator (ECO); Exemption from GST; Composition



2nd unit

Place of Supply:- Within state/Union territory, Interstate, Import and export; Time of Supply of goods and services; Value of supply including valuation rules; Input tax credit:- Eligibility and conditions for taking Input Tax Credit, Apportionment of credit and blocked credit, ITC in case of banking company and financial institutions, ITC availability in special circumstances, Reversal of ITC on switching to composition levy or exit from tax-paying status, Transfer of ITC on account of change in constitution of registered person, Input service distributors;


3rd unit

Registration; Issue of invoices:- tax invoice, revised tax invoice, credit note, debit note, bill of supply, receipt voucher, refund voucher, payment voucher, invoices in special cases. ; E-way

bill; Payment of Taxes; Returns; Job work; Provision of TDS and TCS; Record keeping, Assessment and Audit;


4th unit

Customs duty: Important definitions, types, importance, documents required for import and export procedure : Export Promotion Scheme.


Subject- International Marketing

Code: 6.06                                                              6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

International Marketing: Nature and Concept; Domestic Vs International Marketing; Opportunities and Challenges for marketing in International Environment ; Foreign market selection and entry modes.


2nd unit

Product Planning and Pricing: International product life cycle research and information’s; Product designing and packaging; Pricing process and methods; International price quotations and payment terms.


3rd unit

International Distribution: Channel structure and selection decisions; Managing channel conflicts; Selection and appointment of foreign sales agents; Basic export procedure and documentation.


4th unit

Product Promotion: Methods of International product Promotion; challenges in International advertising and media strategy; Web marketing; Organising trade fairs and exhibitions.





Mahesh Kumar

                                                                                  Assistant Professor

                                                                                      GCG bawal


Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for Chemistry for Even Semester


Teacher: Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta                                                               

Subject- Inorganic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Hydrogen Bonding & Vander Waals Forces Hydrogen Bonding – Definition, Types, effects of hydrogen bonding on properties of substances, applicat ion Brief discussion of various types of Vander Waals Forces . Metallic Bond and Semiconductors Metallic Bond- Brie f introduction to meta llic bond, band theory of meta llic bond Semiconductors- Introduction, types and applications.

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

2nd unit

. s-Block Eleme nts Comparative study of the elements including , diagonal relationships, salient features of hydrides (methods of preparation excluded), solvation and complexation tendencies including their function in biosystems. Chemis try of Noble Gases Chemical properties of the noble gases with emphasis on their low chemical reactivity, chemistry of xenon, structure and bonding of fluorides, ox ides & oxyfluorides of xenon.

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

3rd unit

p-Block Elements Emphasis on comparative study of properties of p-block elements (including diagonal relationship and excluding methods of preparation). Boron family (13th gp):- Diborane – properties and structure (as an example of electron – deficient compound and multicentre bonding), Borazene – chemical properties and structure Trihalides of Boron – Trends in fewis acid character structure of aluminium (III) chloride. Carbon Family (14th group) Catenation, p π– d π bonding (an idea), carbides, fluorocarbons, silicates structural aspects), silicons – general methods of preparations, properties and uses.

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

4th unit

Nitrogen Family (15th group) Oxides – structures of oxides of N,P. oxyacids – structure and relative acid strengths of oxyacids of Nitrogen and phosphorus. Structure of white, yellow and red phosphorus. Oxygen Family (16th group) Oxyacids of sulphur – structures and acidic strength H2O2–structure, properties and uses. Halogen Fami l y (17th group) Basic prope r ties of ha logen, interha logens types propert ies ,hydro and oxyacids of chlorine – structure and compari son of acid strength .

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024
















 Subject- Physical  Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Kinetics-I Rate of reaction, rate equation, factors influencing the rate of a reaction – concentration, temperature, pressure, solvent, light, catalyst. Order of a reaction, integrated rate expression for zero order, first order, second and third order reaction. Half life period of a reaction. Methods of determination of order of reaction.

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

2nd unit

Kinetics-II Effect of temperature on the rate of reaction – Arrhenius equation. Theories of reaction rate – Simple collision theory for unimolecular and bimolecular collision. Transition state theory of Bimolecular reactions.

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

3rd unit

Electrochemistry-I Electrolytic conduction, factors affecting electrolytic conduction, specific, conductance, molar conductance,equivalent conductance and relation among them, their vartion with concentration.Arrhenius theory of ionization, Ostwald’s Dilution Law. Debye- Huckel – Onsager’s equation for strong electrolytes (elementary treatment only) Transport number, definition and determination by Hittorfs methods, (numerical included)

1st March to 8th March 2024

4th unit

Electrochemistry-II Kohlarausch’s Law, calculation of molar ionic conductance and effect of viscosity temperature & pressure on it. Application of Kohlarausch’s Law in calculation of conductance of weak electrolytes at infinite diloution. Applications of conductivity measurements: determination of degree of dissociation, determination of Ka of acids determination of solubility product of spa ringly soluble salts, conductometric titrations. Definition of pH and pKa, Buffer solution, Buffer action, Henderson – Hazel equation, Buffer mechanism of buffer action.

9th March to 18th  March 2024
























Subject- Organic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 2nd Sem




Time period

1st Unit

.Alkenes Nomenclatu re of alkenes, , mechanisms of dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides,. The Saytzeff rule, Hofmann elimination, physical p roperties and relative stabilities of alkenes. Chemical reactions of alkenes mechanisms involved in hydrogenation, electrophilic and free radical additions, Markownikoff’s rule, hydroboration–oxidation, oxymercurationreduction, ozonolysis, hydration, hydroxylation and oxidation with KMnO4,

19th March to 26th March 2024

2nd unit

.Arenes and Aromaticity Nomenclatu re of benzene deriva tives:. Aromatic nucleus and side chain. Aromaticity: the Huckel rule, aromatic ions, annulenes up to 10 carbon atoms, aromatic, anti - aromatic and non – aromatic compounds. Aromatic electrophilic substitution general pattern of the mechanism, mechansim of nitration, halogenation, sulphonation, and Friedel-Crafts reaction. Energy profile diagrams. Activating , deactivating subs tituents and orientation.

27th March to 3rd April 2024

3rd unit

Dienes and Alkynes Nomenclature and classification of dienes: isolated, conjugated and cumulated dienes. Structure of butadiene,. Chemical reactions 1,2 and 1,4 additions (Electrophilic & free radical mechanism), Diels-Alder reaction, Nomenclature, structure and bonding in alkynes. Methods of formation. Chemical reactions of alkynes, acidity of alkynes. Mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions, hydroborationoxidation of alkynes

4th April to 11th April 2024

4th unit

Alkyl and Aryl Halides Nomenclatu re and classes of alkyl halides, methods of formation, chemical reactions. Mechanisms and stereochemistry of nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides , SN2 and SN1reactions with energy profile diagrams.Methods of formation and reactions of aryl halides, The additionelimination and the elimination-addition mechanisms of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions. Relative reactivities of alkyl halides vs allyl, vinyl and aryl halides.

12th April to 20th April 2024


















Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for Chemistry for Even Semester


Teacher: Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta                                                               

Subject- Inorganic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 4th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Chemistry of f – block elements Lanthanides Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and lanthanide contraction, complex formation, occurrence and isolation, lanthanide compounds.

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

2nd unit

Chemis try of f – block elements Actinides General features and chemistry of actinides, chemistry of separation of Np, Pu and Am from U, Comparison of properties of Lanthanides and Actinides and with trans ition elements .

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

3rd unit

Theory of Quali tative and Quanti tative Inorganic Analysis-I Chemistry of analysis of various acidic radicals, Chemistry of identification of acid radicals in typical combinations, Chemistry of interference of acid radicals including their removal in the analys is of basic radicals.

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

4th unit

Theory of Quali tative and Quanti tative Inorganic Analysis-II Chemistry of analysis of various groups of basic radicals, Theory of precipitation, coprecipitation, Post- precipitation, purification of precipitates.

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024


























Subject- Physical  Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 4th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Thermodynamics-III Second law of thermodynamics, need for the law, different statements of the law, Carnot’s cycles and its efficiency, Carnot’s theorm, Thermodynamics scale of temperature. Concept of entropy – entropy as a state function, entropy as a function of V & T, entropy as a function of P & T, entropy change in physica l change, entropy as a criteria of spontaneity and equilibrium. Entropy change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

2nd unit

Thermodynamics-IV Third law of thermodynamics: Nernst heat theorem, statement of concept of residual entropy, evaluation of absolute entropy from heat capacity data. Gibbs and Helmholtz functions; Gibbs function (G) and Helmholtz function (A) as thermodynamic quantities, A & G as criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium and spontaneity, their advantage over entropy change. Variation of G and A with P, V and T.

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

3rd unit

Electrochemistry-III Electrolytic and Galvanic cells – reversible & Irreversible cells , conventional representation of electrochemical cells. EMF of cell and its measurement, Wes ton standard cell, activity and activity coefficients. Calculation of thermodynamic quantities of cell reaction ( G, H & K). Types of reversible electrodes – metalmetal ion gas electrode, metal –insoluble salt- anion and redox electrodes. Electrode reactions, Nernst equations, derivation of cell EMF and single electrode potential. Standard Hydrogen electrode, reference electrodes, standard electrodes potential, sign conventions, electrochemical se ries and its applications.

1st March to 8th March 2024

4th unit

Electrochemistry-IV Concentration cells with and without transference, liquid junction potential, application of EMF measurement i.e. valency of ions, solubility product activity coefficient, potentiometric titration (acid- base and redox). Determination of pH using Hydrogen electrode, Quinhydrone electrode and glass electrode by potentiometric methods.

9th March to 18th  March 2024





















Subject- Organic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc  4th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

. Infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy Molecular vibrations, Hooke's law, selection rules, intensity and position of IR bands, measurement of IR spectrum, fingerprint region, characteristic absorptions of various functional groups and interpretation of IR spectra of simple organic compounds. Applica tions of IR spectroscopy in structure e lucidation of simple organic compounds.

19th March to 26th March 2024

2nd unit

. Amines Structure and nomenclatu re of amines, phys ical properties. Separation of a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.Structural featu res affecting basicity of amines. Prepa ration of alkyl and aryl amines (reduction of nitro compounds, nitriles, reductive amination of aldehydic and ketonic compounds. Gabrielphthalimide reaction, Hofmann bromamide reaction. electrophilic aromatic substitution in aryl amines, reactions of amines with nitrous acid.

27th March to 3rd April 2024

3rd unit

1. Diazonium Salts Mechanism of diazotisation, structure of benzene diazonium chloride, Replacement of diazo group by H, OH, F, Cl, Br, I, NO2 and CN groups, reduction of diazonium salts to hyrazines, coupling reaction and its synthetic application. 2. Nitro Compounds Preparation of nitro alkanes and nitro arenes and their chemical reactions. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions in nitro arenes and their reductions in acidic, neutral and alkaline medium.

4th April to 11th April 2024

4th unit

. Aldehydes and Ketones Nomenclature and structure of the carbonyl group. Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones with particular reference to the synthesis of aldehydes from acid chlorides, advantage of oxidation of alcohols with chromium trioxide (Sarett reagent) pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) and pyridinium dichromate., Physical properties. Comparison of reactivities of aldehydes and ketones. Mechanism of nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group with particular emphasis on benzoin, aldol, Perkin and Knoevenagel condensations. Condensation with ammonia and its derivatives. Wittig reaction. Mannich reaction.Oxidation of aldehydes, Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of ketones, Cannizzaro reaction. MPV, Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH4 and NaBH4 reductions.

12th April to 20th April 2024













Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for Chemistry for Even Semester


Teacher: Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta                                                               

Subject- Inorganic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 6th Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Organometallic Chemistry Definition, nomenclature and classification of organometallic compounds. Preparation, properties, and bonding of alkyls of Li, Al, Hg, and Sn a brief account of metal-ethylenic complexes, mononuclear carbonyls and the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls.

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

2nd unit

Acids and Bases, HSAB Concept Arrhenius, Bronsted – Lowry, the Lux – Flood, Solvent system and Lewis concepts of acids & bases, relative strength of acids & bases, Concept of Hard and Soft Acids & Bases. Symbiosis, electronegativity and hardness and softness

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

3rd unit

Bioinorganic Chemistry Essential and trace elements in biological processes, metalloporphyrins with special reference to haemoglobin and myoglobin. Biological role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with special reference to Ca2+. Nitrogen fixation.

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

4th unit

Sil icones and Phosphazenes Silicones and phosphazenes, their preparation, properties,structure and uses

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024


























Subject- Physical  Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 6th  Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Spectroscopy-III Electronic Spectrum Concept of potential energy curves for bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, qualitative description of selection rules and Franck- Condon principle. Qualitative description of sigma and pie and n molecular orbital (MO) theirenergy level and respective transitions.

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

2nd unit

Photochemistry Interaction of radiation with matter, difference between thermal and photochemical processes. Laws of photochemistry: Grotthus-Drapper law, Stark- Einstein law (law of photochemical equivalence) Jablonski diagram depiciting various processes occurring in the excited state, qualitative description of fluorescence, phosphorescence, non-radiative processes (internal conversion, intersystem crossing), quantum yield, photosensitized reactions-energy transfer processes (simple examples).

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

3rd unit

Solutions: Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties Ideal and non-ideal solutions, methods of expressing concentrations of solutions, activity and activity coefficient. Dilute solution,Colligative properties, Raolut’s law, relative lowering of vapour pressure, molelcular weight determination, Osmosis law of osmotic pressure and its measurement, determination of molecular weight from osmotic pressure. Elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point, Thermodynamic derivation of relation between molecular weight and elevation in boiling point and depression in freezing point. Experimental methods for determining various colligative properties. Abnormal molar mass, degree of dissociation and association of solutes.

1st March to 8th March 2024

4th unit

Phase Equillibrium Statement and meaning of the terms – phase component and degree of freedom, thermodynamic derivation of Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibria of one component system –Example – water and Sulpher systems. Phase equilibria of two component systems solid-liquid equilibria, simple eutectic Example Pb-Ag system, desilerisation of lead

9th March to 18th  March 2024





















Subject- Organic Chemistry                                                                                     B.Sc 6th  Sem




Time period

1st Unit

Heterocyclic Compounds-I Introduction: Molecular orbital p icture and aromatic characteristics of pyrrole, furan, thiophene and pyridine. Methods of synthesis and chemical reactions with particular emphasis on the mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions in pyridine derivatives. Comparison of basicity of pyridine, piperidine and pyrrole

19th March to 26th March 2024

2nd unit

1. Heterocyclic Compounds-II Introduction to condensed five and six- membered heterocycles. Prepration and reactions of indole, quinoline and isoquinoline with special reference to Fisher indole synthesis, Skraup synthesis and Bischler-Napieralski synthesis. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions of, quinoline and isoquinoline 2. Organosulphur Compounds Nomenclature, structural features, Methods of formation and chemical reactions of thiols, thioethers, sulphonic acids, sulphonamides and sulphaguanidine. Synthetic detergents alkyl and aryl sulphonates.

27th March to 3rd April 2024

3rd unit

1. Organic Synthesis via Enolates Acidity of -hydrogens, alkylation of diethyl malonate and ethyl acetoacetate. Synthesis of ethyl acetoacetate: the Claisen condensation. Keto-enol tautomerism of ethyl acetoacetate. 2. Synthetic Polymers Addition or chain-growth polymerization. Free radical vinyl polymerization, ionic vinyl polymerization, Ziegler-Natta polymerization and vinyl polymers. Condensat ion or step growth polymerization. Polyeste rs ,polyamides, phenol formaldehyde resins, urea formaldehyde resins, epoxy re sins and polyurethanes. Natural and synthetic rubbers.

4th April to 11th April 2024

4th unit

Amino Acids, Peptides& Proteins Classification, of amino acids. Acid-base behavior, isoelectric point and electrophoresis. Preparation of -amino acids.Structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins. Classification of proteins. Peptide structure determination, end group analysis, selective hydrolysis of peptides. Classical peptide synthesis, solid– phase peptide synthesis. Structures of peptides and proteins: Primary & Secondary structure.

12th April to 20th April 2024







                                                 RAJESH KUMAR GUPTA

                                                 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY

                                                   GOVT. COLLEGE FOR GIRLS BAWAL


Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for English for Even Semester


Teacher: Dr. Mamta Gupta                                                               

Subject- English                                                                                                          B.Sc 2nd  Sem



Time period

Our Civilization by C.E.M. Joad,

Analysis and exercises

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

It’s Question Time

Analysis and exercises

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

An Interview with Christiaan Barnard by N. Ram

Analysis and exercises

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024


Hindi into English and English into Hindi

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024


Untouchability and the Caste System by B.R. Ambedkar

Analysis and exercises

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024


Inhumanisation of War by Huck Gutman

Analysis and exercises

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024


Grammar – Correct form of verbs, active voice, passive voice

1st March to 8th March 2024


Phrases – Analysis and uses

9th March to 18th  March 2024


Seven Types of Gender Inequality by Amartya Sen

19th March to 26th March 2024


Revision of Grammar

27th March to 3rd April 2024


Revision of Chapter – 1 , 2, 3

4th April to 11th April 2024


Revision of Chapter- 4,5,6

12th April to 20th April 2024













Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for English for Even Semester


Teacher: Dr. Mamta Gupta                                                           


 Subject- English                                                                                             B.A 2nd Sem



Time period


An Introduction to (short) story

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

An introduction to Anita Desai and “ Pigeons at Daybreak” Reading of “ Pigeons at Daybreak” at Daybreak” Grammar – The Sentence

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

Reading of “Pigeons at Daybreak” , Textual exercises Grammar- Tenses

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

An introduction to S B Leacock and  with the photographer reading of with the photographer . Textual exercises and test Grammar – Tag Question, Voice

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024

An introduction to temsula Sula Ao and the journey reading of The journey, textual exercises

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

An introduction to K A Abbas and The refugee reading of the refugee , Textual exercises and test

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

An introduction to Folk Tale and bellows for the bullocks reading of bellows for the bullocks, Textual exercises

1st March to 8th March 2024

An introducaiton to P N Renu and Panchlight reading of Panchlight , Textual exercises and test

9th March to 18th  March 2024

Grammar – Subject Verb Agreement , Noun, The Partitive use of “Of”

19th March to 26th March 2024

An introduction to premchand and the child , reading of The child , textual exercises grammar- punctuation, essay writing and vocabulary

27th March to 3rd April 2024

An introduction to R K Narayan and the bling dog , reading of the child , textual exercises grammar- punctuation, essay writing and vocabulary

4th April to 11th April 2024

Grammar- The sentence, Phonetics, test

12th April to 20th April 2024













Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for English for Even Semester


Teacher: Dr. Mamta Gupta                                                           


Subject- English                                                                                              B.A 4th Sem



Time period

An introduction to One- Act Play Discussion on Bhasa and The Envoy

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

Reading of the play the Envoy

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

Reading of the play The envoy, textual exercises Discussion on Anton Chekhov and The Swan song

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

Reading of The Swan song

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024

Reading of The Swan Song , Textual Exercises, Test

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

An introduction to W W Jacobs and The Monkey’s Paw Reading of The Monkey’s Paw

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

Reading of The Monkey’s Paw

1st March to 8th March 2024

Textual Exercises and test

9th March to 18th  March 2024

An introduction to O’Neill and Before Breakfast

19th March to 26th March 2024

Reading of Before Breakfast m Textual exercises and test

27th March to 3rd April 2024

An introduction to Nissim Ezekiel and the sleepwalkers Reading of The Sleepwalkers

4th April to 11th April 2024

Reading of The sleepwalkers, Textual exercises and test

12th April to 20th April 2024















Govt. College for Girls Bawal

Lesson Plan for English for Even Semester


Teacher: Dr. Mamta Gupta                                                           


Subject- English                                                                                              B.A 6th Sem



Time period

An introduction to Drama, About William Shakespeare and The merchant of Venice

11th Jan to 18th Jan 2024

Reading of the play Act-1

19th Jan to 27th Jan 2024

Reading of the play Act-1

28th Jan to 3rd  Feb 2024

Reading of the play Act-2, Test

4th Feb to 11th   Feb 2024

Reading of the play Act-3

12th Feb to 19th Feb 2024

Reading of the play Act-4, test

20th Feb to 28th Feb 2024

Reading of the play Act-5

1st March to 8th March 2024

Various aspects of the play

9th March to 18th  March 2024

Textual exercises of the play and test

19th March to 26th March 2024

Composition Skill : Comprehension , precise writing , Abstracting , Summarizing and test

27th March to 3rd April 2024

Paraphrasing, One word substitution, vocabulary

4th April to 11th April 2024

Letter writing , test

12th April to 20th April 2024




                                                DR. MAMTA GUPTA

                                                ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH

                                                GOVT. COLLEGE FOR GIRLS BAWAL






Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor: Anita Class and Section : B.A.1st Year (2nd Semester) Subject : History



Week 1

·               Sources of medieval Indian History

·               The Slave Dynasty Qutub-ud-din Aibak : Early life (1206-1210 AD)

·               Shamsuddin Iltutmish work (1211-1236 AD)

Week 2

·               Gyas-Ud-Din Balban Work 1266-1286AD

·               The Khiljji Revolution-Jalaludin Khilji 1260-1296AD

·               Alauddin Khilji Theory of kingship

·               Short Question

Week 3

·               Khilji Imperialism Congest of North India and South India

·               Alauddins economic policy and market Content Map work

Week 4

·               The Mangol Policy of Allauddin Khilji

·               The Tughlaq Dynasty –Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq 1320-1325AD Sultan Muhamamd Bin Tughlaq and his Schemes.

·                 Short question

·               Test

Week 5

·               Home policy of Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlaq

·                 Timur’s Invasion on India 1398 AD

·               The Sayad Dynasty Khizr Khan and his work

·               Lady Dynasty Fall of Ibrahim Lodhi

Week 6

·               Down Fall of Delhi’s Latinate condition of India Before the invasion of Babar

·               Map work

·               Short Question

Week 7

·               Babar’s Invasion of India

·               First Battle of Panipat 1526AD

·               Effect of Battle of Panipat

·               The Battle of Khanwa

Week 8

·               Humayun -1530-1540 Difficulties of Humayun

·                Shershah Suri and his Successors and his Achievements and

Shershah Administration

Week 9

·               Akbar – 1556-1605 AD

·               Map Short Question

Week 10

·               Jahangir and his work

·               Shahjahan Work 1627-1658 AD test

Week 11

·               Aurangzeb work 1658-1707 AD

·               Map Short Question

Week 12

·               Mughal Administration

·               Art and Literature in Mughal India

Week 13

·               Social and economic condition of Mughal India

·               Religious policy of the Mughals

Week 14

·               Jagirdari and Mansabdari system in Mughal Period

Week 15

·               Decline and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire

Week 16

·               Short Question

·               Map work Revision test





Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor: Anita Class and Section : B.A. 2nd Year (4th Semester) Subject : History



Week 1

·               General Survey of sources of the History of Haryana

·               Stone age in Haryana

Week 2

·               Harappan Civilization

·               Map work

·               Short Question

Week 3

·               Kurus History

·               Battle of Mahabharata

·               Rise of Republics Yaudheyas and Agras

Week 4

·               Rise of Powers Pushpabhutis and Tomars

·               Short question

Week 5

·               First and Second Battle of Tarain and their impact

·               First Battle of Panipat and their impact

Week 6

·               Second Battle of Panipat and their impact

·               Third Battle of Panipat and their impact

·               Short Question

Week 7

·               Resistance of Jats

·               Revolt of Satnamis

·               Nawabi Kingdoms

Week 8

·               Rise of Marathas

·               George Thomas and his work

·               Test

Week 9

·               Rise of East India Company

·               Revolt of 1857

·               Map work

Week 10

·               Arya Samaj in Haryana

·               Spread of Modern Education

Week 11

·               Freedom Movement in Haryana

·               The Rise of National consciousness in Haryana

Week 12

·               Non Co-operation movement origin and development of Haryana

·               Test

Week 13

·               Quit India Movement in Haryana

·               Map Work

Week 14

·               Civil Disobedience Movement in Haryana

·               Short Questions

·               Revision

Week 15

·               Unionist Party and his work

·               Revision

Week 16

·               Praja Mandal Movement

·               Short Questions






Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor: Anita Class and Section : B.A. 3rd Year (6th Semester) Subject : History



Week 1

·               Rise of Merchantilisn : Merits and Demerits and decline of Merchantilism

·               Short Questions

Week 2

·               Agriculture Revolutions

·               Map work

·               Short Question

Week 3

·               Techonological Revolution in Europe

·               Short Questions

Week 4

·               Capitalism Its stages and development

·               Short Questions

Week 5

·                 Imperialism Its theories and development

·               Short Questions

Week 6

·               French Revolution

·               Liberalization in Britain

Week 7

·               Nationalism in Germany and Italy

·               Short Questions

Week 8

·               Russian Revolution

·               Fascism in Italy

Week 9

·               Nazism in Germany

·               Short Questions

Week 10

·               Stages of Colonialism in India

·               Short Questions

Week 11

·               Colonialism : China and the West

·               Short Questions

Week 12

·               Colonialism : Japan and the West

·               Test

Week 13

·               First World War And Peace Settlement

Week 14

·               Second World War

Week 15

·               Non-Alignment Movement : Origin and Development

·               Revision

Week 16

·               Map work

·               Revision




 राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय बावल ,रेवाड़ी


अध्यापक का नाम : डॉ ० दलीप कुमार

विषय : हिंदी

कक्षा : स्नातक प्रथम वर्ष (द्वितीय सेमेस्टर) : कला संकाय


क्रम संख्या

विषय सामग्री



ध्रुवस्वामिनी : (नाटक) जय शंकर प्रसाद



हिंदी साहित्य का भक्ति काल ( भक्ति काल की परिस्थितियां, मुख्य प्रवृतियाँ,  संत काव्य , सूफी काव्य )



हिंदी साहित्य का भक्ति काल ( राम काव्य , कृष्ण काव्य , भक्ति काल : स्वर्ण युग )



व्यावहारिक हिंदी (भाषा : अर्थ एवं परिभाषा , भाषा के विविध रूप : बोली , मानक भाषा , राज भाषा , मानक भाषा और उसकी  प्रवृतियाँ, हिंदी वर्तनी : समस्या और समाधान , मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ )




























  राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय बावल ,रेवाड़ी



अध्यापक का नाम : डॉ ० दलीप कुमार

विषय : हिंदी

कक्षा : स्नातक द्वितीय वर्ष (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर) : कला संकाय


क्रम संख्या

विषय सामग्री



कथाक्रम : संपा. डॉ ० रोहिणी अग्रवाल  



हिंदी साहित्य का आधुनिक  काल ( आधुनिक  काल की परिस्थितियां, मुख्य प्रवृतियाँ, भारतेंदु पूर्व हिंदी गद्य ,  हिंदी उपन्यास : उद्भव और विकास,   हिंदी कहानी  : उद्भव और विकास , नई कहानी  : उद्भव और विकास)



हिंदी साहित्य का आधुनिक  काल , हिंदी नाटक :  उद्भव और विकास , हिंदी एकांकी  :  उद्भव और विकास ,  हिंदी निबंध : उद्भव और विकास )



पारिभाषिक शब्दावली  (  पारिभाषिक शब्दावली : अर्थ , परिभाषा,  स्वरूप और महत्व ,  पारिभाषिक शब्दावली के गुण , पारिभाषिक शब्दावली के निर्माण में सक्रिय विविध संप्रदाय : राष्ट्रीयतावादी संप्रदाय , अतरराष्ट्रीयतावादी संप्रदाय,  समन्वयवादी संप्रदाय)


























  राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय बावल ,रेवाड़ी


अध्यापक का नाम : डॉ ० दलीप कुमार

विषय : हिंदी

कक्षा : स्नातक तृतीय वर्ष (  षष्ठं सेमेस्टर) : कला संकाय


क्रम संख्या

विषय सामग्री



नव्यतर गद्य गौरव   



हरियाणा भाषा और साहित्य का इतिहास (हरियाणवी  भाषा का उद्भव और विकास, हरियाणवी भाषा की प्रमुख बोलियाँ , हरियाणा की सांग परम्परा : उद्भव और विकास)



हरियाणा भाषा और साहित्य का इतिहास  : (हरियाणवी  भाषा का आधुनिक साहित्य  : (क) हरियाणवी कविता : परिचय और प्रवृतियाँ , (ख) हरियाणवी का गद्य – साहित्य : 1 . उपन्यास साहित्य , 2 कहानी साहित्य , 3 नाट्य साहित्य)



प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी : पत्रकारिता ( 1 पत्रकारिता : स्वरूप और प्रकार , 2 शीर्षक की संरचना , 3 संपादक के गुण और दायित्व , 4 फीचर लेखन , 5 स्वतंत्र प्रेस की अवधारणा ,


















 राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय बावल ,रेवाड़ी


अध्यापक का नाम : डॉ ० दलीप कुमार

विषय : हिंदी

कक्षा : स्नातक द्वितीय वर्ष (चतुर्थ सेमेस्टर) : विज्ञान संकाय


क्रम संख्या

विषय सामग्री



संस्मरण : महादेवी वर्मा



निबंध लेखन



पत्र लेखन : अर्ध सरकारी और तार लेखन



वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली






                                                                                                डॉ दलीप कुमार

                                                                सहायक प्रोफेसर (हिंदी)

                                                                राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय बावल 


Government College for Women, Bawal, Rewari Haryana

 Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor Manju Bala

Department of Physics

Class and Semester: B.Sc Ist year (2nd Semester) Session: 2023-24

Sub Lesson Plan: 15 Weeks (12 January to 27 April)

Week I (12 January to 13January) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity

Discussion: Rigid body, Perfectly elastic body , perfectly plastic body, stress and its type, Strain and its types, Hook’s law, type of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio , energy of strained body ,Relation between elastic constants

Week 2 (15 Jan to 20Jan) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity


Torsion of cylinder and twisting couple, Bending of beam, Cantilevers,Centrally loaded beam

Assumptions of Kinetic Theory of gases, expression of pressure of gas, kinetic interpretation of tempreture

Week 3 (22Jan to 27Jan) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity


Law of equipartition of energy and its applications for specific heats of gases, Maxwell distribution of speeds and velocities (derivation required), Experiomental verification of Maxwell’s Law of speed distribution most probable speed

average and r.m.s. speed, mean free path,

Week 4 (29Jan to 3 February) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity


Transport phenomena, transport of momentum ,transport of energy, transport of mass,

brownlan motion, Real gases,

Week 5 (5 Feb to 10 Feb) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity


Define partical , events , observer, frame of reference,Inertial frame of reference,non-inertial frame of reference, variant quantities, invariant quantities

Measurement of length, measurement of velocity, measurement of acceleration, conservation of momentum and conservation of energy, Galilean transformation

Week 6 (12Feb to 17 Feb) Prerequisites:Properties of matter, Kinetic Theory & Relativity


Michelson and Morley experiment, special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation

length contraction, Time Dilation, Addition of Velocities, Variation of Mass With Velocity, Relation between relativistic momentum and energy

Week 7 (19Feb to 24Feb) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Growth and decay of current in a circuit with (a) Capacitance and resistancecircuit  (b) resistance and inductance (c) Capacitance and inductance  (d) Capacitance resistance and inductance

AC circuit analysis using complex variables with (a) capacitance and resistance(b) resistance and inductance (c) capacitance and inductanced) capacitance, inductance and resistance Series and parallel resonant circuit

Week 8 (26Feb to 2March) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Quality factor (Sharpness of resonance)

Energy bands in solids, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Hall effect, P-N junction diode and their V-I characteristic, Zener and avalanche breakdown

Week 9 (4March to 9March) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Resistance of a diode, Light Emitting diodes (LED), Photo conduction in semiconductors,photodiode, Solar Cell

P-N junction half wave and full wave rectifier, Types of filter circuits (L and - with theory),Zener diode as voltage regulator, simple regulated power supply

Week 10 (11 March to 16 March) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Junction Transistors,Bipolar transistors, working of NPN and PNP transistors, Transistor connections (C-B, C-E, C-C mode),constants of transistor, Transistor characteristic curves (excluding h parameter analysis),

advantage of C-B configuration, C.R. O. (Principle, construction and working in detail)

Week 11 (18March to 23March) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Transistor biasing, methods of Transistor biasing and stabilization, D.C. load line, Common-base and common-emitter transistor biasing

Common-base, common- emitteer amplifers

Week 12 (1 April to 6 April) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Classification of amplifers, Resistance-capacitance (R-C) coupled amplifer (two stage; concept of band width, no derivation), Feed-back in amplifers


Week 13 (8April to 13 April) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


Oscillators, Principle of Oscillation, Classification of Oscillator, Condition for self sustained oscillation : Barkhousen Criterion for oscillations


Week 14 (15 April to 20 April) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices


advantage of negative feedback Emitter follower

Tuned collector common emitter oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator

Week 15 (22 April to 27 April) Prerequisites:Electronic Devices




Revision & test


Government College for Women, Bawal, Rewari Haryana

 Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor Manju Bala

Department of Physics

Class and Semester: B.Sc IInd year (4th Semester) Session: 2023-24

Sub Lesson Plan: 15 Weeks (09 January to April 27)

Week I (12 January to 13January) Prerequisites:Stastical Physics

Discussion: Probability,some probability considerations,combinations possessing maximum probability,combinations possessing minimum probability,distribution of molecules in two boxes

Week 2 (15 Jan to 20Jan) Prerequisites:Stastical Physics


Tossing of four coins ( like and unlike),Case with weightage (general),Phase space

microstates and macrostates, statistical fluctuations, constraints and accessible States,Thermodynamical probability

Week 3(22Jan to 27Jan) Prerequisites:Stastical Physics


Postulates of Statistical Physics, Division of Phase space into cells, Condition of equilibrium between two system in thermal contact,b-Parameter

Entropy and Probability, Boltzman’s distribution law,Evaluation of A and b, Bose-Einstein statistics,

Week 4 (29Jan to 3 February) Prerequisites:Stastical Physics


Application of B.E. Statistics to Plancks’s radiation law,

Fermi-Dirac statistics,M.B. Law as limiting case of B.E,Degeneracy and B.E., Condensation, F.D. Gas, electron gas in metals, Zero point energy, Specific heat of metals and its solution

Week 5  (5 Feb to 10 Feb) Prerequisites:Optics


Colour of thin films, wedge shaped film, Newton’s rings, Interferometers: Michelson’s interferometer and its application to
(I) Standardisation of a meter

(II) determination of wave length

Week 6 (12Feb to 17 Feb)  Prerequisites:Optics


Fresnel’s Diffraction, Fresnel’s half period zones, zone plate, diffraction at a straight edge,

rectangular slit and circular apperture

Week 7 (19Feb to 24Feb)  Prerequisites:Optics


One slit diffraction, Two slit diffraction, N-slit diffraction,

Plane transmission granting spectrum, Dispersive power of a grating,

Week 8 (26Feb to 2March) Prerequisites:Optics


Limit of resolution, Rayleigh’s criterion, resolving power of telescope and a grating,


Week 9  (4March to 9March) Prerequisites:Optics


Polarisation and Double Refraction, Polarisation by reflection, Polarisation by scattering,


Week 10 (11 March to 16 March)  Prerequisites:Optics


Malus law, Phenomenon of double refraction


Week 11 (18March to 23March)  Prerequisites:Optics


Huygen’s wave theory of double refraction (Normal and oblique incidence)


Week 12 (1 April to 6 April)  Prerequisites:Optics


Optical activity, Specific rotation,

Week 13 (8April to 13 April) Prerequisites:Optics


Polarimeters (half shade and Biquartz)


Week 14 (15 April to 20 April) Prerequisites:Optics


Analysis of Palorised light : Nicol prism, Quarter wave plate and half wave plate, production and detection of (i) Plane polarized light,  (ii) Circularly polarized light(iii)Elliptically polarized light


Week 15 (22 April to 27 April) Prerequisites:Optics





Revision & test



Government College for Women, Bawal, Rewari Haryana

 Name of the Assistant/Associate Professor Manju Bala

Department of Physics

Class and Semester: B.Sc IIIrd year (6th Semester) Session: 2023-24

Sub Lesson Plan: 15 Weeks (09 January to April 27)

Week I (12 January to 13January) Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics

Discussion: Historical introduction of early oberservation in atomic spectroscopy,Bohr of Atom model, Bohr summer field atom model, magnetic moment of the atom, Spectra of Alkali Metals and penetrating and non penetrating orbits

Week 2 (15 Jan to 20Jan)Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics


Spin quantum number, orbital quantum number, principle quantum number, spin angular,Vector atom model, spin orbit interaction of electron and spin orbit non penetrating orbit, Spin orbit interaction for penetrating orbit

ll coupling , ss coupling , LS coupling

Week 3 (22Jan to 27Jan)  Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics


Spin orbit interaction for two valence electron systems, Term value of  ss & jj coupling

 Zeeman effect (normal and Anormalous), Zeeman pattern of D1 & D2 lines of Na-atom

Week 4(29Jan to 3 February) Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics


Paschen, Back effect of a single valence electron system , Weak field Strak effect of Hydrogen atom,

Electronics state of diatomic of molecules, Rotation spectra in the microwave region, Vibrating rotator model of the diatomic molecules

Week 5 (5 Feb to 10 Feb)  Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics


Raman effect, Classical and quantum theory and Raman effect, Raman spectra

Main feature of laser, Define LASER, MASER, Optical Electronics,Absorption and emission of radiation, Einstein’s coefficients, life time, Momentum transfer,Kinetics of optical absorption, thresholed condition

Week 6 (12Feb to 17 Feb) Prerequisites:Atomic,  Molecular  & Laser Physics


laser pumping, Principal & Construction of ruby laser, Principal & Construction of He-Ne laser, Main feature of semi conductor laser,

Condition of laser action

Week 7 (19Feb to 24Feb) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


 Rutherford alpha scattering experiment, closest approach of alpha particle, Discovery of nucleus & its properties, Nuclear size, spin, parity, statistics,magnetic dipole moment, quadrupole moment

Nuclear mass and binding energy, BE curve, systematics nuclear binding energy, nuclear stability

Week 8(26Feb to 2March) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


Determination of mass by Bain-Bridge, Bain-Bride and Jordan mass spectrograph,Determination of charge by Mosley law

Interaction of heavy charged particles (Alpha particles), alpha disintegration and its theory

Week 9 (4March to 9March) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


Energy loss of heavy charged particle ,Energetics of alpha,  Range and straggling of alpha particles. Geiger-Nuttal law,

 Introduction of light charged particle (Beta-particle), Origin of continuous beta-spectrum (neutrino hypothesis)

Week 10 (11 March to 16 March) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


types of beta decay and energetics of beta decay, Energy loss of beta- particles (ionization), Range of electrons,

absorption of beta-particles, Interaction of Gamma Ray, Nature of gamma rays, Energetics of gamma rays,

Week 11(18March to 23March)  Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


passage of Gamma radiations through matter , photoelectric effect, compton effect, pair production, anhilition, Asborption of Gamma rays (Mass attenuation coefficient) and its application


Week 12(1 April to 6 April) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


Linear accelerator, Tendem accelerator, Cyclotron and Betatron accelerators, Ionization chamber, proportional counter, G.M. counter


Week 13 (8April to 13 April) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


scintillation counter and semiconductor detector


Week 14 (15 April to 20 April) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


Nuclear reactions, Elastic scattering, Inelastic scattering, Nuclear disintegration, photonuclear reaction, Radiative capture, Direct reaction, heavy ions reactions and spallation reaction


Week 15 (22 April to 27 April) Prerequisites:Nuclear Physics


Conservative laws, Q-value and reaction threshold



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